
How AcuityMD Can Speed Product Adoption and M&A
Successfully launching a product is critical for a pre-commercial company, whether they are looking to bring in revenue or become an attractive target for acquisition.
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Why MedTech Companies Need to Move Beyond CRM to Optimize Sales and Strategy
If your organization is relying on manual CRM updates to track leads, opportunities, and activities, how can you avoid the “garbage in, garbage out” cycle of data?
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How Olympus Used an Omnichannel Strategy to Increase Customer Engagement
Olympus took inspiration from companies famous for excellent service like Amazon and Disney to elevate their own approach to customer service.
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How to Sync Marketing and Sales Around Your Product Launch
A product launch is an exciting milestone, but it’s critical to get your planning correct. Your entire organization needs to be in sync, particularly your sales and marketing functions.
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How to Identify KOLs for Your Product Launch
Medtech companies face an uphill battle when launching a new product, including finding doctors who will not only try your technology, but advocate for it.
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How to Cross-Sell Effectively
There could be opportunities right under your nose, and you don’t even know it. Cross-selling - getting your customers to adopt another product of yours - can be the secret to expanding your pipeline and increasing revenue.
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How to Leverage Your Physicians’ Networks to Grow Sales
93% of people trust friends and family over all other influences when it comes to purchases. That’s why peer-to-peer selling is so powerful.
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How to Prepare for Medtech Conference Season
The days of walking into a hospital are over. More and more, conferences are one of the few places you can get in front of your target HCPs.
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How to Get a Physician to Open Your Email
Healthcare providers aren’t as accessible to MedTech reps as they once were. Emails are quickly becoming your best chance to get a foot in the door. But 70-80% of emails aren't even opened. So what are you supposed to do?
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