
How to Identify KOLs for Your Product Launch
Medtech companies face an uphill battle when launching a new product, including finding doctors who will not only try your technology, but advocate for it.
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How to Cross-Sell Effectively
There could be opportunities right under your nose, and you don’t even know it. Cross-selling - getting your customers to adopt another product of yours - can be the secret to expanding your pipeline and increasing revenue.
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How to Leverage Your Physicians’ Networks to Grow Sales
93% of people trust friends and family over all other influences when it comes to purchases. That’s why peer-to-peer selling is so powerful.
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How to Prepare for Medtech Conference Season
The days of walking into a hospital are over. More and more, conferences are one of the few places you can get in front of your target HCPs.
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How to Get a Physician to Open Your Email
Healthcare providers aren’t as accessible to MedTech reps as they once were. Emails are quickly becoming your best chance to get a foot in the door. But 70-80% of emails aren't even opened. So what are you supposed to do?
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